
You are more than Your pain.

You are more than overwhelm.

You are more than isolation.

Deep inside is a voice that softly calls you to imagine

a life with greater ease, deeper connection,

and expansive joy.

Now is your time your time.

Welcome to Your


Nutrition cOUNSELING

Looking for ways to support your body during infertility treatments, optimize your baby's growth and development in pregnancy, or rebuild your strength and stamina during the postpartum period? Midwife, Nutritionist, and Educator, Sarah Lax has a passion for supporting folks on their path to vibrant health.

Postpartum Support

The birth is over, the baby is here, you’ve had your final 6 week checkup… but you still feel like a hot mess. Wouldn’t it be amazing to have a midwife in your corner through the entire postpartum year, connecting you to the resources you need to thrive? We’ve got you covered mama! From daily exhaustion and birth recovery questions, to pelvic floor recovery and spirit support tools, our growing community is YOUR landing place for postpartum nourishment..

Continuing Education for Midwives

Head on over to our class page if you have an interest in dynamic CE classes for midwives! In partnership with, join Midwife, Nutritionist and Educator, Sarah Lax, as she explores updates in nutrition and wellness tools to support your clients during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.